Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2008, 34(6):674-682

Production of monoclonal antibodies to the prion protein and their characterization

Antibodies to the prion protein (PrP), particularly, monoclonal antibodies, are necessary tools in the diagnostics and study of prion diseases and potential means of their immunotherapy. For the production of monoclonal antibodies, BALB/c mice were immunized by a recombinant bovine PrP. Three stable hybridomas producing antibodies of IgM class were prepared. The antibodies were bound to PrP in a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. The epitope mapping accomplished with the use of synthetic peptides showed that an epitope located in region 25-36 of PrP corresponds to one antibody, and epitopes located in region 222-229, to the other two. The antibodies to fragment 222-229 purified by affinity chromatography recognized with a high specificity conglomerates of a pathogenic prion in the brain tissue of cows suffering from spongiform encephalopathy. Thus, in nontransgenic mice, PrP-specific monoclonal antibodies were produced, useful in studies and diagnostics of prion diseases. © 2008 MAIK Nauka.

Oboznaya MB, Vladimirova NM, Titova MA, Volkova TD, Koroev DO, Ryabokon AA, Egorov AA, Rybakov SS, VolPina OM

IBCH: 600
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