J Med Chem, 2004, 47(14):3606-3614

Uncharged AZT and D4T derivatives of phosphonoformic and phosphonoacetic acids as anti-HIV pronucleosides

Two series of new lipophilic phosphonoformate and phosphonoacetate derivatives of AZT and d4T were synthesized and evaluated as anti-HIV agents. The efficacy of some of the synthesized compounds in cell cultures infected with HIV-1 was higher than that of the parent nucleosides and only slightly correlated to their stability in the phosphate buffer and human blood serum. The synthesized phosphonates are most probably prodrug forms of the corresponding nucleosides.

Shirokova EA, Jasko MV, Khandazhinskaya AL, Ivanov AV, Yanvarev DV, Skoblov YS, Mitkevich VA, Bocharov EV, Pronyaeva TR, Fedyuk NV, Kukhanova MK, Pokrovsky AG

IBCH: 1426
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jm0310176
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