Biochimie, 2011, 93(10):1770-1778

Orthologues of a plant-specific At-4/1 gene in the genus Nicotiana and the structural properties of bacterially expressed 4/1 protein

Arabidopsis thaliana At-4/1 is the protein of unknown function capable of polar localization in plant cells and intercellular trafficking. In this work, we cloned cDNAs and chromosomal genes of At-4/1 orthologues from several Nicotiana species. Similarly to the 4/1 genes of A. thaliana and Oryza sativa, Nicotiana 4/1 genes have eight exons and seven introns but are considerably longer due to their larger introns. The allotetraploid genome of Nicotiana tabacum, which is known to consist of the "S genome" originated from Nicotiana sylvestris and the "T genome" derived from Nicotiana tomentosiformis, encodes two 4/1 genes. The T genome-encoded 4/1 gene, but not that of the S genome, contains a SINE-like transposable element in its intron 2. The 4/1 genes of Nicotiana hesperis and Nicotiana benthamiana lack such an element in the intron 2, but possess a related SINE-like sequence in their intron 4. Collectively, the sequence analysis data provide an insight into the organization of 4/1 genes in flowering plants and the patterns of evolution in the genus Nicotiana. The Nicotiana 4/1 proteins and those of other flowering plants show a significant level of sequence similarity. Computer-assisted analysis was further used to compare their predicted secondary structures. Several algorithms confidently predicted the presence of several coiled-coil domains occupying similar positions in different 4/1 proteins. Analysis of circular dichroism spectra carried out for bacterially expressed N. tabacum 4/1 protein (Nt-4/1) and its N- and C-terminally truncated mutants confirmed that the secondary structure of Nt-4/1 is generally alpha-helical. The C-terminal region of Nt-4/1 was found to undergo a partial proteolysis in Escherichia coli cells. Differential scanning calorimetry of Nt-4/1 protein and its mutants revealed three calorimetric domains most probably corresponding to the N-terminal, central, and C-terminal structural domains of the protein. © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Makarova SS, Minina EA, Makarov VV, Semenyuk PI, Kopertekh L, Schiemann J, Serebryakova MV, Erokhina TN, Solovyev AG, Morozov SY

IBCH: 11
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