Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2010, 36(1):109-113

Posttranslational reactions that shift spectra of asFP595, a Protein from Anemonia sulcata, towards the long-wavelength region

In most fluorescent proteins absorbing and emitting light in the red and far-red spectral region (550-650 nm), the chromophore π system is extended by an acylimine substituent due to additional oxidation of a GFP-like structure. In contrast, photoactivatable protein asFP595 contains a chromophore, in which the acylimine substituent is replaced by a keto-group. Here we have investigated reactions bringing about the bathochromic shift in asFP595 spectra. Maturation kinetics analysis shows that, similarly to common red fluorescent proteins, asFP595 forms an intermediate with a protonated chromophore (absorbance at 420 nm), which isosbestically converts to the final mature form (568 nm). Mass-spectrometric analysis of the chromopeptide isolated from immature asFP595 indicates that the intermediate contains a GFP-like chromophore. It was also found that, upon GFP-like intermediate oxidation, an equimolar amount of hydrogen peroxide is generated. To further identify intermediate products of this oxidation reaction, mutagenesis of the first chromophore-forming amino acid residue was performed. It was found that in all mutants tested, the reaction does not entail acylimine formation and directly leads to protein fragmentation and keto derivative formation. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

Pakhomov AA, Tretyakova YA, Martynov VI

IBCH: 114
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