Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2005, 31(5):502-505

An Escherichia coli strain producing a leaderless mRNA from the chromosomal lac promoter

A special Escherichia coli strain capable of producing a leaderless lacZ mRNA from the chromosomal lac promoter was constructed to study the mechanism of the leaderless mRNA translation. The translation efficiency of this noncanonical mRNA is very low in comparison with the canonical cellular templates, but it increases by one order of magnitude in the presence of chromosomal mutations in the genes encoding ribosomal S1 and S2 proteins. The new strain possesses obvious advantages over the commonly used plasmid constructs (first of all, due to the constant dosage of lacZ gene in the cell) and opens the possibilities of investigation of the specific conditions for the leaderless mRNA translation in vivo using the molecular genetic approaches. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

Komarova AV, Tchufistova LS, Aseev LV, Boni IV

IBCH: 1170
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