Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2005, 31(2):170-177

A method for the preparation of normalized cDNA libraries enriched with full-length sequences

We developed a new method for the preparation of normalized cDNA libraries enriched with full-length sequences. It is based on the properties of the recently characterized duplex-specific nuclease from the hepatopancreas of the Kamchatka crab. The duplex-specific nuclease is thermostable, effectively cleaves double-stranded DNA, and is inactive toward single-stranded DNA (Shagin et al., Genome Res., 2002, vol. 12, pp. 1935-1942). Our method enables the normalization of cDNA samples enriched with full-length sequences without use of laborious and ineffective stages of physical separation. The efficiency of the method was demonstrated in model experiments using cDNA samples from several human tissues. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

Zhulidov PA, Bogdanova EA, Shcheglov AS, Shagina IA, Wagner LL, Khazpekov GL, Kozhemyako VV, Lukyanov SA, Shagin DA

IBCH: 1250
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