Biophysics (Oxf), 2006, 51(1):23-27

Solution of the spatial structure of dimeric transmembrane domains of proteins by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling

Membrane proteins play an important role in various biological processes. An approach combining NMR spectroscopy with molecular modeling was used to study the spatial structure and intramolecular dynamics of protein transmembrane domains consisting of two interacting α-helices. The approach was tested with model transmembrane domains and yielded detailed atomic-level data on the protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions. © 2006 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

Volynsky PE, Bocharov EV, Nolde DE, Vereschaga YA, Mayzel ML, Mineev KS, Mineeva EA, Pustovalova YE, Gagnidze IA, Efremov RG, Arseniev AS

IBCH: 1509
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