Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2001, 27(1):34-38

Methods of Preparation of Recombinant Cytokines: IV. Renaturation of Recombinant Human Interleukin-3

Renaturation of recombinant human interleukin-3 produced as inclusion bodies in the transformed cells of Escherichia coli was studied and optimized. Importance was shown of removing from the protein solution the hydrophobic cellular components causing irreversible aggregation of the protein under renaturation conditions. An effect of pH on the secondary structure of the denatured protein was revealed by CD spectroscopy. It was thereby found that at pH 8.5, which is the optimal value for renaturation, the protein has the secondary structure most close to the native one. The isolation according to the scheme proposed allows preparation of interleukin-3 in 50% yield with 99% purity and biological activity 2 × 107U/mg.

Tikhonov RV, Pechenov SE, Gurevich AI, Esipov RS, Shvets VI, Wulfson AN

IBCH: 1666
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