J Biol Chem, 2002, 277(10):7633-7636

Analysis of DsRed mutants: Space around the fluorophore accelerates fluorescence development

Earlier mutagenesis of the red fluorescent protein drFP583, also called DsRed, resulted in a mutant named Fluorescent Timer (Terskikh, A., Fradkov, A., Ermakova, G., Zaraisky, A., Tan, P., Kajava, A. V., Zhao, X., Lukyanov, S., Matz, M., Kim, S., Weissman, I., and Siebert, P. (2000) Science 290, 1585-1588). Further mutagenesis generated variants with novel and improved fluorescent properties. The mutant called AG4 exhibits only green fluorescence. The mutant, called E5up (V105A), shows complete fluorophore maturation, eventually eliminating residual green fluorescence present in DsRed. Finally, the mutant, called E57 (V105A, I161T, S197A), matures faster than DsRed as demonstrated in vitro with purified protein and in vivo with recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli and Xenopus leavis. Comparative analysis of the mutants in the context of the crystal structure of DsRed suggests that mutants with free space around the fluorophore mature faster and more completely.

Terskikh AV, Fradkov AF, Zaraisky AG, Kajava AV, Angres B

IBCH: 2011
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://www.jbc.org/lookup/doi/10.1074/jbc.C100694200
Кол-во цитирований на 10.2023: 65
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