Biomed Pharmacother, 2010, 64(4):240-248

GMDP augments antitumor action of the CP/TNFα combination in vivo

We have shown that glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide (GMDP) has been augmented the antitumor action of chemotherapy drug cisplatin and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) on the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma and melanoma B-16 mouse tumor models. The doses of cisplatin, TNFα and GMDP and also the conditions of the drugs combination injection provided 100% survival of mice with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma were found. Furthermore, it was shown first that GMDP has been decreased toxicity of the cisplatin/TNFα combination and normalized the changes in the experimental mice hematological parameters which were produced by the CP/TNFα combination. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS.

Petrova EE, Simonova MA, Komaleva RL, Britsina MV, Andronova TM, Nesmeyanov VA, Valyakina TI

IBCH: 21
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