Nanomedicine (Lond), 2011, 6(2):241-255

Novel composite matrices modified with nanolayers of polymers as perspective materials for separation of biomolecules and bioanalysis

Aims: A new approach for the preparation of adsorbents for one-step isolation/purification of DNA from different samples (e.g., bacterial lysates, smears and blood) has been developed. Materials & methods: The technique is based on the use of porous silica preliminary treated with ozone followed by grafting of polymer nanolayers on the activated carrier surface. The chemical nature of active centers, their stability and conditions for the use of the activated support as heterogeneous initiator of different macromolecular reactions were studied. Results: The adsorbents modified with thin (∼3.0-7.5 nm) polytetrafluoroethylene and polyaniline layers were prepared and characterized. Sorption properties of the obtained adsorbents were demonstrated on examples of express (2-5 min) one-step DNA isolation for direct use in PCR diagnostics. Conclusion: The effectiveness of the developed adsorbents used for DNA isolation and purification was confirmed in comparison with the standard methods. Thus, a facile (alternative in relation to irradiation postpolymerization or standard oxidative polymerization techniques) manufacturing method of the materials for nucleic acids sample preparation was developed. © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd.

IBCH: 229
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