Bioorg Khim, 1997, 23(5):440

Structural Features of Four Long Terminal Repeats of Human Endogenous Retroviruses and Their Integration Sites

Это дубликат статьи: «Structural features of four long terminal repeats of human endogenous retroviruses and their integration sites»

Four LTR-containing regions of human chromosome 19 were sequenced by the primer walking technique using strings of short oligonucleotides tightly bound to the template. A comparative and evolutionary analysis of sequences homologous to human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) was performed, and the prototypes of the LTRs were determined. Analysis of the chromosome 19 sequences adjacent to LTR revealed that LTRs of HERV-K share a common location with other retroposons.

Khil PP, Kostina MB, Azhikina TL, Kolesnik TB, Lebedev YB, Sverdlov ED

IBCH: 2313
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