Chem Heterocycl Compd (N Y), 1975, 11(12):1386-1391

Porphyrins - III. Synthesis and properties of porphyrins with hydroxyalkyl substituents

The corresponding porphyrin was synthesized from 1-bromo-2,7,13,17,19-pentamethyl-3,8-diethyl-12-[2-(methoxycarbonyl)ethyl]bila-a,c-diene. Cyclization of the biladiene in dimethyl sulfoxide is accompanied by bromination of the β position of the porphyrin. Treatment of some porphyrins containing an ester grouping with sodium borohydride leads to reduction of the latter. The reduction products in concentrated sulfuric acid form sulfates that exist in the stable "monocation" form. © 1976 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

Ponomarev GV, Kirillova GV, Rozynov BV, Bogdanova IA, Babushkina TA

IBCH: 2675
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