FEBS Lett, 1984, 173(2):291-294

Interaction of prostaglandin E1with human high density lipoproteins

Prostaglandin E1has been shown to interact with serum high density lipoproteins (HDL) in a manner resembling the interaction of a ligand with a high affinity binding site. The presence of 10-12-10-10M prostaglandin E1induces a rearrangement of the HDL surface lipids and probably influences the biological functions of the lipoproteins. Fluorescent phospholipid probe High density lipoprotein Prostaglandin E1. © 1984.

Manevich EM, Muzya GI, Prokazova NV, Molotkovsky JG, Bezuglov VV, Bergelson LD

IBCH: 2883
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1016/0014-5793%2884%2980793-0
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