Nat Methods, 2010, 7(10):827-829

Near-infrared fluorescent proteins

Fluorescent proteins with emission wavelengths in the near-infrared and infrared range are in high demand for whole-body imaging techniques. Here we report near-infrared dimeric fluorescent proteins eqFP650 and eqFP670. To our knowledge, eqFP650 is the brightest fluorescent protein with emission maximum above 635 nm, and eqFP670 displays the most red-shifted emission maximum and high photostability. © 2010 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shcherbo D, Shemiakina II, Ryabova AV, Luker KE, Schmidt BT, Souslova EA, Gorodnicheva TV, Strukova L, Shidlovskiy KM, Britanova OV, Zaraisky AG, Lukyanov KA, Loschenov VB, Luker GD, Chudakov DM

IBCH: 371
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