APPL BIOCHEM MICRO+, 2015, 51(4):462-469

Effect of pH of adsorption buffers on the number and antigen-binding activity of monoclonal antibodies immobilized on the surface of polystyrene microplates

The change in the concentration and antigen-binding activity of 28 monoclonal antibodies was studied after their adsorption on the surface of polystyrene microplates in buffers with different pH values (1.0, 2.8, 7.5, 9.6, and 11.9). We used 16 clones to the HIV p24 protein and 12 clones to the surface antigen of Hepatitis B Virus. The binding efficiency of adsorbed antibodies to the labeled antigen was evaluated by the slope of the linear region of the binding curve to the concentration axis. It was shown that the antigen-binding activity of six antibodies (21.5%) statistically significantly increased after adsorption at pH 2.8 and 11.9 as compared to pH 7.5 and 9.5. The maximum amount of antibodies was found to be adsorbed on the solid surface at pH 7.5. The analysis of the binding of 125I-HBs-antigen to adsorbed antibodies made it possible to evaluate the concentration of active antibodies on the polystyrene surface. It was shown that the increase in the antigen-binding activity was due to an increase in the proportion of antibodies with retained activity after adsorption at pH 2.8 and 11.9. Under these conditions, about 20% of the antibodies retained their antigen-binding activity, and 6% did so after immobilization at pH 7.5.

Tarakanova YN, Dmitriev AD, Massino YS, Pechelulko AA, Segal OL, Skoblov YO, Ulanova TI, Lavrov VF, Dmitriev DA

IBCH: 3964
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