Analyst (Lond), 2015, 140(15):4981-4986

Composite SERS-based satellites navigated by optical tweezers for single cell analysis

Herein, we have designed composite SERS-active micro-satellites, which exhibit a dual role: (i) effective probes for determining cellular composition and (ii) optically movable and easily detectable markers. The satellites were synthesized by the layer-by-layer assisted decoration of silica microparticles with metal (gold or silver) nanoparticles and astralen in order to ensure satellite SERS-based microenvironment probing and satellite recognition, respectively. A combination of optical tweezers and Raman spectroscopy can be used to navigate the satellites to a certain cellular compartment and probe the intracellular composition following cellular uptake. In the future, this developed approach may serve as a tool for single cell analysis with nanometer precision due to the multilayer surface design, focusing on both extracellular and intracellular studies.

Stetciura IY, Yashchenok A, Masic A, Lyubin EV, Inozemtseva OA, Drozdova MG, Markvichova EA, Khlebtsov BN, Fedyanin AA, Sukhorukov GB, Gorin DA, Volodkin D

IBCH: 4108
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