Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 2014, 8956

The study of hydrogen peroxide level under cisplatin action using genetically encoded sensor hyper

The aim of the work was to study the participation of hydrogen peroxide in reaction of cervical cancer cell line HeLa Kyoto on cisplatin action. Determination of hydrogen peroxide level was performed using genetically encoded fluorescent sensor HyPer2. The dependence of cell viability on cisplatin concentration was determined using MTT assay. Mechanisms of cell death as well as HyPer2 reaction was revealed by flow cytometry after 6-hours of incubation with cisplatin in different concentrations. Cisplatin used in low concentrations had no effect on hydrogen peroxide level in HeLa Kyoto cells. Increase of HyPer2 fluorescence was detected only after exposure with cisplatin in high concentration. The reaction was not the consequence of cell death. © 2014 SPIE.

Belova AS, Orlova AG, Maslennikova AV, Brilkina AA, Balalaeva IV, Antonova NO, Mishina NM, Shakhova NM, Belousov VV

IBCH: 4141
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