Acta Naturae, 2014, 6(21):48-52

High-throughput method of one-step DNA isolation for PCR diagnostics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

The efficiency of one-step and multi-step protocols of DNA isolation from lysed sputum samples containing the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has been compared. DNA was isolated using spin-cartridges containing a special silica-based sorbent modified with fluoroplast and polyaniline, or using an automated isolation system. One-step isolation using the obtained sorbent has been shown to ensure a significantly lower DNA loss and higher sensitivity in the PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as compared to a system based on sorption and desorption of nucleic acids during the isolation. © 2014 Park-media, Ltd.

Kapustin DV, Prostyakova AI, Alexeev YI, Varlamov DA, Zubov V, Zavriev SK

IBCH: 4213
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