Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2013, 39(6):607-618

The study of the bacteriophage T5deoxynucleoside monophosphate kinase active site by site-directed mutagenesis

The amino acid residues essential for the enzymatic activity of bacteriophage T5deoxyribonucle- oside monophosphate kinase were determined using a computer model of the enzyme active site. By site-directed mutagenesis, cloning, and gene expression in E. coli, a series of proteins were obtained with single substitutions of the conserved active site amino acid residues-S13A, D16N, T17N, T17S, R130K, K131E, Q134A, G137A, T138A, W150F, W150A, D170N, R172I, and E176Q. After purification by ion exchange and affine chromatography electrophoretically homogeneous preparations were obtained. The study of the enzymatic activity with natural acceptors of the phosphoryl group (dAMP, dCMP, dGMP, and dTMP) demonstrated that the substitutions of charged amino acid residues of the NMP binding domain (R130, R172, D170, and E176) caused nearly complete loss of enzymatic properties. It was found that the presence of the OH-group at position 17 was also important for the catalytic activity. On the basis of the analysis of specific activity variations we assumed that arginine residues at positions 130 and 172 were involved in the binding to the donor γ-phosphoryl and acceptor α-phosphoryl groups, as well as the aspartic acid residue at position 16 of the ATP-binding site (P-loop), in the binding to some acceptors, first of all dTMP. Disproportional changes in enzymatic activities of partially active mutants, G137A, T138A, T17N, Q134A, S13A, and D16N, toward different substrates may indicate that different amino acid residues participate in the binding to various substrates. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.

IBCH: 4339
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