Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2011, 37(5):560-563

Enzymatic activity of thymidine kinases of a herpes simplex virus strains resistant to acyclovir H-phosphonates

Some cloned laboratory mutant strains of herpes simplex virus type I resistant to acyclovir H-phosphonate were studied. As was shown for all the clones, the mutations augmented the susceptibility to cidîfovir. Thymidine kinase of the mutant viruses partially retained the capacity to phosphorylate thymidine, but lost the capacity to phosphorylate BVDU. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

GusKova AA, Skoblov MY, Andronova VL, Galegov GA, Kochetkov SN, Skoblov YS

IBCH: 4832
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