Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2003, 29(2):154-159

Late Activation of Interferon-Induced Genes IFI-54K and IFI-56K in Human RH Cells Infected with Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus

The genes that were induced and suppressed in human embryonic kidney cell line RH upon the infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus were studied by the method of subtractive hybridization. The expression of interferon-induced genes IFI-54K and IFI-56K in the infected cells was found to increase 50-100-fold.

Gavrilov BG, Monastyrskaya GS, Velikodvorskaya TV, Filyukova OB, Konovalova SN, Kachko AA, Protopopova EV, Nikolaev LG, Loktev VB, Sverdlov ED

IBCH: 5351
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