Expert Rev Proteomics, 2005, 2(4):463-473

Peptidomics: A logical sequel to proteomics

Rapid progress of separation techniques as well as methods of structural analysis provided conditions in the past decade for total screening of complex biologic mixtures for any given class of biomolecules. The present review updates the reader with the modern state of peptidomics, a chapter of chemical biology that deals with structure and biologic properties of sets of peptides present in biologic tissues, cells or fluids. Scope and limitations of currently employed experimental techniques are considered and the main results are outlined. Considerable attention will be afforded to the biologic role of peptides formed in vivo by proteolysis of nonspecialized precursor proteins with other well-defined functions. In conclusion, the connection is discussed between peptidomics and the much more mature and still closely related field of proteomics. © 2005 Future Drugs Ltd.

IBCH: 5446
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