Biochemistry (Mosc), 2008, 73(11):1260-1268

Identification of recognition sites for Myc/Max/Mxd network proteins by a whole human chromosome 19 selection strategy

In this study, we have identified 20 human sequences containing Myc network binding sites in a library from the whole human chromosome 19. We demonstrated binding of the Max protein to these sequences both in vitro and in vivo. The majority of the identified sequences contained one or several CACGTG or CATGTG E-boxes. Several of these sites were located within introns or in their vicinity and the corresponding genes were found to be up-or down-regulated in differentiating HL-60 cells. Our data show the proof of principle for using this strategy in identification of Max target genes, and this method can also be applied for other transcription factors. © 2008 MAIK Nauka.

Akopov SB, Chernov IP, Wahlström T, Kostina MB, Klein G, Henriksson M, Nikolaev LG

IBCH: 598
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