Phytochemistry, 1992, 31(7):2401-2403

All-cis-3,6,9,12,15-octadecapentaenoic acid from the unicellular alga Gymnodinium kowalevskii

All-cis-3,6,9,12,15-octadecapentaenoic acid (18:5n-3) was isolated from total lipids of the cultivated microalga Gymnodinium kowalevskii. Its structure was confirmed by GC-MS,1H NMR, IR and synthesis using a modified method of iodolactonization from 22:6n-3. © 1992.

Kuklev DV, Aizdaicher NA, Imbs AB, Bezuglov VV, Latyshev NA

IBCH: 6107
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