Anal Biochem, 2007, 364(1):60-66

Identification of tissue-specific DNA-protein binding sites by means of two-dimensional electrophoretic mobility shift assay display

We developed a technique of differential electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) display allowing identification of tissue-specific protein-binding sites within long genomic sequences. Using this approach, we identified 10 cell type-specific protein-binding sites (protein target sites [PTSs]) within a 137-kb human chromosome 19 region. In general, tissue-specific binding of proteins from different nuclear extracts by individual PTSs did not follow the all-or-nothing principle. Most often, PTS-protein complexes were formed in all cases, but they were different for different nuclear extracts used. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

IBCH: 627
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