Mol Gen Genet, 1981, 184(3):536-538

Primary structure of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase nucleotide substitution in the β subunit gene of the rifampicin resistant rpoB255 mutant

The transducing phage λ d supM814 and the plasmid pIB1830 containing the wild-type rpoB gene have been constructed and the primary structure of the gene's central fragment has been established. In contrast with the wild-type, the gene of the rpoB255 mutant, whose primary structure has been published, was found to contain an A.T.→T.A. transversion entailing the substitution of a valine residue for the aspartic acid residue (516) of the wild-type β subunit. © 1981 Springer-Verlag.

Ovchinnikov YA, Monastyrskaya GS, Gubanov VV, Lipkin VM, Sverdlov ED, Kiver IF, Bass IA, Mindlin SZ, Danilevskaya ON, Khesin RB

IBCH: 6279
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