Способы увеличения продукции рекомбинантных антител в клеточных линиях CHO DG44

The cell line CHO DG44 producing recombinant antibodies(Abs) to human tumor necrosis factor-alpha has been obtained. The influence of cell inoculation density and cultivation protocols on the level of Ab biosynthesis has been studied. The highest Ab yields have been observed at the inoculation density 3×106 cells/ml. The alternative method to cells-in-suspension cultivation has been proposed, which is the cell cultivation in calcium alginate hydrogel microgranules or alginate chitosan semipermeable microcapsules. It has been shown that the Ab production level by CHO DG44 cells entrapped into polymer microcapsules exceeds that of the cells-in-suspension cultivation regime.

IBCH: 6866
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