Bioorg Khim, 1988, 14(7):963-964

Amino acid substitutions in the beta-subunit of RNA-polymerase from E. coli compensating for mutation-induced damage of the rho termination factors

Ts-phenotype of the E. coli rho-factor mutant rho 15 is suppressed by two rifampicin-resistance mutations, rhoB1019 resulting in a single amino acid substitution Val146----Phe and rhoB268 resulting in a single substitution Gln513----Leu in beta-subunit of the E. coli RNA polymerase. Rifampicin-resistance mutations rhoB255 (Asp516----Val), rhoB1016 (Asp516----Asn), rhoB1001 (His526----Tyr), rhoB1004 (Ser531----Phe), rhoB1005 (Pro564----Leu), and streptolydigin-resistance' mutation rhoB1018 (double substitution Gly544----Asp and Phe545----Ser) do not suppress the rho15 mutation.

Ogryzko EP, Nikiforov VG, Borodin AM, Danilkovich AV, Monastyrskaia GS

IBCH: 7243
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