Biodegradation of125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies after intravenous administration to rats with experimental C6 glioma

Employment of radiolabeled antibodies in biological studies, allows their specific accumulation in organs and tissues to be accurately detected. However, stability of such radiolabeled antibodies depends on both the method of labeling and particular experimental conditions. Therefore, stability of labeled antibodies should be determined in every particular experiment. In this study we have investigated stability of the125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies to gliofibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), endothelial antigen AMVB1, and non-specific mouse IgG at the stage of their synthesis and after their intravenous administration to rats with experimental C6 glioma. Stability of labeled antibodies was determined in blood samples and homogenates of organs by the method of their precipitation with trichloroacetic acid. The125I-radiolabeled antibodies were characterized by high radiochemical putiry, immunochemical activity and stability of the resultant preparations in blood and tissues, and the brain after administration in vivo. Electrophoretic analysis, thin-layer chromatography, and immunohistochemical tests have demonstrated the radiochemical purity, immunochemical competence, and stability of the labeled antibodies in vivo. © MAIK Nauka 2008.

Chekhonin VP, Bulanov KA, Yusubalieva GM, Tsibulkina EA, Gurina OI, Skoblov YS, Shvets VI, Zhirkov YA, Baklaushev VP

IBCH: 827
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