Toxicon, 2006, 47(5):517-520

Amino acid sequence of RTX-A's isoform actinoporin from the sea anemone, Radianthus macrodactylus

The amino acid sequence of actinoporin RTX-A (175 aa) from the sea anemone Radianthus macrodactylus was determined by sequencing of clones obtained via amplification of cDNA. It was established that RTX-A possessed high homology with HmgIII from Heteractis magnifica (87%) and StI, StII from Stichodactyla helianthus (84 and 87%, respectively). The analysis of structural and functional relationships within RTX-A was carried out. The some disagreement concerning to significant role of several amino acid residues for actinoporins exhibition of hemolytic activity was found. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Ilina A, Lipkin A, Barsova E, Issaeva M, Leychenko E, Guzev K, Monastyrnaya M, Lukyanov S, Kozlovskaya E

IBCH: 966
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