Scientific Council

Scientific Council of IBCh RAS is the main governing body of The Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and it works under the Institute’s Constitution.

Scientific Council includes the director (President of SC), scientific secretary of the Institute (Scientific secretary of SC) and members of RAS working in IBCh. Other members of SC are elected with an open vote by the General meeting (Conference) of scientific officers, which also assigns their number. Besides in SC other leading scientists who don’t work for the Institute may be elected too. New membership of Scientific Council is confirmed by the Bureau of the Biologic sciences’ department RAS for the Institute director’s term of office.

SC’s decisions are being approved with simple majority of those present of Scientific Council IBCh in an open vote. All personal issues are solved in voting by secret ballot.

Main activities of Scientific Council IBCh:

  1. Research of main scientific sectors in the Institute;
  2. Discussion about actual problems of scientific progress;
  3. Approving the Institute’s structure, programs and plans of research activities, plans of manpower trainings, an international scientific collaboration, different conferences, plans of editorial preparations and outputs of scientific works made in the Institute;
  4. Election of deputy director, deputy scientific secretary, heads of different departments, scientific officers (a competitive examination), editors-in-chief, membership of the Institute’s editorial boards;
  5. Discussion about technical and financial support to the Institute and its scientific researches;
  6. Discussion about and approving the most important results of the Institute’s activities during the year, the director’s and heads’ of departments reports;
  7. Nominating scientific works, inventions and other progresses for personalized medals and awards and nominating scientists for academic rank and honors;
  8. Nominating candidates for full members of RAS;
  9. Control of postgraduate course IBCh RAS: recommendations and approving of dissertation’s subjects.