Methods Mol Biol, 2020, 2063:235-255

Oncobox Method for Scoring Efficiencies of Anticancer Drugs Based on Gene Expression Data.

We describe here the Oncobox method for scoring efficiencies of anticancer target drugs (ATDs) using high throughput gene expression data. The method rationale, design, and validation are given along with the examples of its practical applications in biomedicine. The method is based on the analysis of intracellular molecular pathways activation and measuring expressions of molecular target genes for every ATD under consideration. Using Oncobox method requires collection of normal (control) expression profiles and annotated databases of molecular pathways and drug target genes. Both microarray and RNA sequencing profiles are acceptable, although the latter type of data prevails in the most recent applications of this technique.

Tkachev V, Sorokin M, Garazha A, Borisov N, Buzdin A

IBCH: 8193
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