Biomedicines, 2020, 8(5)

RNA Sequencing in Comparison to Immunohistochemistry for Measuring Cancer Biomarkers in Breast Cancer and Lung Cancer Specimens.

RNA sequencing is considered the gold standard for high-throughput profiling of gene expression at the transcriptional level. Its increasing importance in cancer research and molecular diagnostics is reflected in the growing number of its mentions in scientific literature and clinical trial reports. However, the use of different reagents and protocols for RNA sequencing often produces incompatible results. Recently, we published the Oncobox Atlas of RNA sequencing profiles for normal human tissues obtained from healthy donors killed in road accidents. This is a database of molecular profiles obtained using uniform protocol and reagents settings that can be broadly used in biomedicine for data normalization in pathology, including cancer. Here, we publish new original 39 breast cancer (BC) and 19 lung cancer (LC) RNA sequencing profiles obtained for formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples, fully compatible with the Oncobox Atlas. We performed the first correlation study of RNA sequencing and immunohistochemistry-measured expression profiles for the clinically actionable biomarker genes in FFPE cancer tissue samples. We demonstrated high (Spearman’s rho 0.65–0.798) and statistically significant (p

Sorokin M, Ignatev K, Poddubskaya E, Vladimirova U, Gaifullin N, Lantsov D, Garazha A, Allina D, Suntsova M, Barbara V, Buzdin A

IBCH: 8576
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Кол-во цитирований на 01.2024: 21
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