Unveiling the unusual i-motif-derived architecture of a DNA aptamer exhibiting high affinity for influenza A virus
Scientists from IBCH RAS in collaboration with other institutes have established a unique structure of an aptamer to the hemagglutinin of the influenza A virus. The authors showed that the parent aptamer BV42, containing an extended cytosine tract, folded into i-motif, one of the non-canonical nucleic acid structures. However, the conformational heterogeneity of BV42 hindered detailed structural analysis. The use of computational methods and chemical modification helped to identify a potential binding site and apply a unique approach to eliminating conformational diversity while retaining high binding affinity. NMR spectroscopy confirmed the unique structure of the optimized aptamer, containing an i- motif and a duplex module with flexible junction. The results represent significant progress in the rational design of aptamers, highlighting the functional potential of DNA i-motifs for specific protein recognition under physiological conditions. The results are published in Nucleic Acids Research.
- Alexander Vassilevski is elected as the Chair of the European Section of the International Society on Toxinology
science news
XII.4.24 The International Society on Toxinology (IST) unites scientists and clinicians studying venoms, poisons, and toxins from all over the world. The society was founded in 1962. It organizes world and regional congresses, publishes the journal Toxicon, and sponsors the prestigious Redi Award.
- Upregulation of cholinergic modulators Lypd6 and Lypd6b associated with autism drives anxiety and cognitive decline
science news
XI.18.24 A duplication of the chromosomal region 2q23.q23.2, carrying LYPD6 and LYPD6B genes, leads to intellectual disability and autistic features. Researchers from the Neurotransmitter and Neuroreceptor Bioengineering Laboratory, Shemyakin-Ovchnnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of RAS together with colleagues from Lomonosov State University and Institute for Biomedical Problems of RAS, used a mouse model to study the consequences of overexpression of the Lypd6 and Lypd6b proteins in the brain, which is typical for patients with autism and other neuropsychiatric disorders.
- Origin, Evolution and Diversity of φ29-like Phages
science news
X.11.24 The application of the definition of taxonomic species to the description of evolutionary history of biological objects with chimeric genomes is a difficult task. The limited period of the existence of species and the lability of viral genomes can also make attempts to reconstruct the evolutionary history almost pointless. The processes of genetic exchange seem to be especially pronounced in temperate phages, but genetic rearrangements between evolutionarily close groups of phages can also affect φ29-like phages. However, we can try to plot the evolutionary traits of genes encoding separate essential proteins and their stable complexes.
- "Molecular Brain" seminar
science news
IX.8.23 (This event is over) The seminar will take place on 08 September at 15:00 in the Minor hall. Professor Naira Ayvazyan, Director of the Orbeli Institute of Physiology of NAS RA (Yerevan, Armenia), will talk about the research conducted at this center. In particular, she will touch on the mechanisms of poisoning with snake venom. Everyone is cordially invited.