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- science news Breakthrough in Preeclampsia Modeling: From 2D Cultures to Placenta-on-a-Chip
February 5 Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication characterized by hypertension and multi-organ involvement in pregnant women. This condition occurs in 2–8% of all pregnancies and remains one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. Despite decades of research, the exact mechanisms of its development are not fully understood, and existing therapeutic strategies remain only partially effective. A new study published by a team of Russian scientists led by Evgeny Knyazev, Polina Vishnyakova, Olga Lazareva, and Alexander Tonevitsky provides an overview of modern cellular models of preeclampsia and their potential in the search for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
- science news Alexander Vassilevski is elected as the Chair of the European Section of the International Society on Toxinology
December 4, 2024 The International Society on Toxinology (IST) unites scientists and clinicians studying venoms, poisons, and toxins from all over the world. The society was founded in 1962. It organizes world and regional congresses, publishes the journal Toxicon, and sponsors the prestigious Redi Award.
- science news Upregulation of cholinergic modulators Lypd6 and Lypd6b associated with autism drives anxiety and cognitive decline
November 18, 2024 A duplication of the chromosomal region 2q23.q23.2, carrying LYPD6 and LYPD6B genes, leads to intellectual disability and autistic features. Researchers from the Neurotransmitter and Neuroreceptor Bioengineering Laboratory, Shemyakin-Ovchnnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of RAS together with colleagues from Lomonosov State University and Institute for Biomedical Problems of RAS, used a mouse model to study the consequences of overexpression of the Lypd6 and Lypd6b proteins in the brain, which is typical for patients with autism and other neuropsychiatric disorders.
- science news Origin, Evolution and Diversity of φ29-like Phages
October 11, 2024 The application of the definition of taxonomic species to the description of evolutionary history of biological objects with chimeric genomes is a difficult task. The limited period of the existence of species and the lability of viral genomes can also make attempts to reconstruct the evolutionary history almost pointless. The processes of genetic exchange seem to be especially pronounced in temperate phages, but genetic rearrangements between evolutionarily close groups of phages can also affect φ29-like phages. However, we can try to plot the evolutionary traits of genes encoding separate essential proteins and their stable complexes.
- science news Two-dimensional high-throughput on-cell screening of immunoglobulins against broad antigen repertoires
July 12, 2024 Identifying high-affinity antibodies in human blood serum is a non-trivial task due to the extremely small number of circulating B-cells with the specified specificity. A team of scientists from the IBCh RAS proposed an effective approach that allows for the identification of high-affinity antibodies against pathogen proteins while simultaneously mapping epitopes, even in the absence of information about the structure of the pathogen's immunogens. To screen therapeutic antibodies in the blood of recovered donors, only the pathogen's transcriptome is needed to create a polypeptide library of antigens displayed on the surface of a bacteriophage. The work was published in the journal Communications Biology.
- science news Synthesis of Substituted 1,2,4-Triazole-3-Thione Nucleosides Using E. coli Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
July 4, 2024 Scientists from the departments of biotechnology and structural biology (IBCH RAS) and Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances (Uzbekistan), and D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology synthesized a series of substituted 1,2,4-triazole-3-thione nucleoside analogs and tested their antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus.
- science news “Molecular portraits” characterized functional states of TRPV ion channels
June 28, 2024 TRPV ion channels realize a huge variety of functions in the human body participating in the temperature and pain sensation, cell division, calcium uptake. Researchers from IBCh RAS and Columbia University analyzed the structure of the key TRPV domain – the ion conducting pore. Using the original “dynamic molecular portrait” approach, they identified three major states of the pore that are common for all TRPVs, called α-closed, π-closed, and π-open. It was shown that the α-closed state is the most hydrophobic and always nonconducting. While the π-closed one is less stable and can easily transit to the open state, which has favorable hydrophobic properties for the ion conduction. The results were published in Communications Chemistry.
- science news Immune system regulation for nanoparticle drug delivery. Breaking the endless cycle in nanomedicine
June 14, 2024 The journey of discovery in scientific research sometimes follows a familiar path: discover, admire, investigate, disappoint, and forget. Nevertheless, in some disciplines, it seems repeating many times. One of such cycles in the field of immune system blockade by nanoparticles is analysed in a recent article published in Nature Communications journal. Scientists from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uppsala University and Boston University propose that advancements in nanomaterial development may finally disrupt this cycle, potentially introducing the method of macrophage blockade into clinical practice to improve cancer therapy.
- science news Loss of Ability to regenerate Limbs in Higher Vertebrates: From Side Effects of Evolutionary Innovations to Gene Loss
June 5, 2024 Researchers from the Laboratory of Molecular Foundations of Embryogenesis at the GNC IBCh RAS have identified the main factors that rendered limb regeneration impossible in modern amniotes (reptiles, birds, and mammals). The authors suggested that after the ancestors of amniotes transitioned to land, their ability to regenerate limbs was suppressed by the side effects of various innovations that emerged at that time, which were necessary for successful colonization of land. This, in turn, stimulated the disappearance of many genes that ceased to participate in regeneration from that moment on. As a result, in modern amniotes, including humans, the inability to regenerate limbs became firmly fixed at the genomic level.
- science news Innovative Contact Lenses with Metal-Organic Frameworks for Glaucoma Treatment
May 13, 2024 Researchers from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Harvard University, Sechenov University, the Pasteur Institute, and other scientific institutions in Russia and abroad have proposed a new method for controlling elevated intraocular pressure, which is a major damaging factor in glaucoma. They have developed a new type of contact lenses that incorporate metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the controlled and prolonged release of brimonidine, a medication used to reduce intraocular pressure. This innovation was presented in the high-ranking scientific journal Aggregate, highlighting its innovative nature and potential impact on ophthalmological practice.
- science news NMR spectroscopy reveals patterns and thermodynamic parameters of dimerization of β- hairpin antimicrobial peptides in the membrane
April 10, 2024 The staff of the Laboratory of structural biology of ion channels and the Science–Educational center for the first time studied the thermodynamics of the dimerization process of a β-hairpin peptide in the membrane-mimicking environment of detergent micelles using the example of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) capitellacin of the marine polychaete Capitella teleta. The study also describes the mechanism of capitellacin action on bacterial membranes. The results of the work were published in the journal Biomolecules.
- science news Human RPF1 and ESF1 in Pre-rRNA Processing and Assembly of Pre-Ribosomal Particles: A Functional Study
March 6, 2024 Ribosome biogenesis is a sophisticated time-ordered process, which adjusts the protein synthesis rate to consumption of nutrients and external stimuli. It begins with transcription of the ribosomal primary RNA precursor. 13.3 kB 47S (fig.) pre-rRNA processing is coupled with the sequential recruitment of ribosome biogenesis factors and non-coding RNAs as well as ordered coating of rRNA with ~80 ribosomal proteins during formation of the functional 60S and 40S ribosomal subunits.
- science news The rational design of an efficient biocatalyst for the phosphoribosylation of antiviral pyrazine-2- carboxamide derivatives
February 27, 2024 The antiviral T-1105 and T-705 (Favipiravir) compounds are inactive prodrugs that undergo metabolic transformation into the active form through phosphoribosylation in vivo. The efficiency of this process in human cells is very low, making the production of the phosphoribosylated pyrazine-2-carboxamide derivatives in vitro is a worthy challenge.
- science news The molecular mechanism of body axis induction in jawless vertebrates may differ from that described in gnathostomes
February 26, 2024 A significant proportion of modern ideas about the molecular mechanisms of body axis induction and differentiation of vertebrate embryos are based on studies of classical laboratory model objects - fishes, amphibians and mammals - that belong to only one of the two major clades of extant vertebrates - gnathostomes. In these animals, genes of Noggin family have been described as key embryonic inducers of the main body axis.
- science news The loss of the classical embryonic inducer noggin1 in cartilaginous fish may be associated with the formation of their unique skeleton
February 19, 2024 The discovery of the neural inducer Noggin1 in 1992 was one of the most important events in the history of molecular developmental biology. Subsequently, several genes of the Noggin family were discovered and described in vertebrates, which appeared as a result of genomic duplications in ancestral vertebrates and differed in their expression patterns and functional properties. A series of studies carried out at the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Embryogenesis of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2006-2020, was devoted to the study of Noggins in vertebrates. The key roles of Noggins in the regulation of intracellular signaling cascades and a wide range of developmental processes, including the development of the telencephalon unique to vertebrates, have been demonstrated.