Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics
The laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics was founded in 2015, on basis of Molecular Diagnostics group existing from 2005 in IBCh (before 2005 - group of phytoimmunodiagnostics). Principal work directions of the laboratory are development of the immunochemical test systems for plant pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) detection, and fundamental research in the field of plant virology and molecular biology.
- Development of PCR diagnostics systems for identification variable plant and animal pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes etc.)
- Optimization of DNA/RNA separation methods for analysis of plant and animal specimens and microorganisms identification
- Genetic engineering of plants
- Utilizing of PCR technologies for rapid evaluation of the efficiency of plant growth regulators
- Studies of structure and functions a number of phytoviral and plant proteins — interactions with viruses in infected plants
- Investigation of inter- and intracellular protein and viruses transport machine in plants, protein functioning and subcellular localization, virus-host interactions
- Viral suppresoors of post-transcriptional genes silencing (for example, gamma-b protein of Hordeivirus)
- Producing of poly- and monoclonal antibodies
- Developing of immunochemical assays
Basic research methods are genetic engineering and immunochemical methods and DNA technologies. Our studies are carried out in cooperation with some other IBCh labs, Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology MSU, ZAO “DNA Technologies”, Institute of Phytopathology of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and a number of foreign institutes and companies.
The Laboratory was awarded with a lot of Russian grants as “Researching of ways and mechanisms of protein translocation through plasmodesma with the model of fitoviruses’ transport proteins” or EU grants “Researching of new and rentable methods for a noninvasive diagnostic of human pathogens microorganisms”.
Talks and lectures
- “Modern approaches for use of monoclonal antibodies in plant protection and studies of virus-induced pathogenic processes”; Erokhina T., 200;
- “Studies on plant cell protein At 4/1 capable of interacting with viral movement proteins”; Erokhina T., Minina E., Schepetilnikov M., Solovyev A., Kellmann J., Morozov S.Y., 2005.
...and many Russian talks.
International contacts
- Dr. Matthias Leiser, Nexttec Gmbh Biotechnologie Hemmerlrather Weg 201 51377 Leverkusen, Germany;
- Dr. Joachim Schiemann, Julius Kuhn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Messeweg 11/12, Braunshweig, Germany;
- Dr. Chet Sutula, Agdia Incorporated, 30380 County Road 6 Elkhart, Indiana 46514 USA.
- Prof. G. Brem, Agrobiogen GmbH (ABG), established in Thalmannsdorf 25, Hilgertshausen 86567,Germany;
- Dr. C.-D. Bauermeister, Labor Dr. Bauermeister & Co. (LB), established in Franz-Haniel-Str. 20 47403 Moers, Germany;
- Dr. Radovan Haluza, Generi Biotech s.r.o (GB), established in Machkova 587, 50011Hradec Králové 11 Czech Republic;
- Dr. Elisa Gargiullo, DIATHEVA S. r. I (DT), established in Viale Piceno 137/F, 61032 FANO (PU), Italy;
- Dr. Ronald Bosch, HLB Research and Consultancy in Agriculture (HLB), established in Kampsweg 27 Wijster, The Netherlands;
- Dr. René Pellaux, preenTec AG (PRT), established in Esc. Du Court-Chemin 19, Fribourg CH-1704, Switzerland;
- Dr. H. Balayan, Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry, Armenian National Academy of Sciences (IFOC), established in Azatulyan ave. 26, Yerevan 375005, Republic of Armenia;
- Dr. Christoph Krukenkamp, Charite — Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (CHA), established Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany.
Fullname | Position | Contacts |
Sergey Zavriev, C-MAS, Prof., D.Sc | Head of lab. | |
Tatiana Erokhina, Ph.D. | s. r. f. | |
Morozov S.Y. | s. r. f. | |
Dmitry Ryazantsev, Ph.D. | s. r. f. | |
Komaleva R.L. | eng. | |
Lahtina O.E. | eng. | |
Elena Petrova, Ph.D. | r. f. | |
Maria Simonova, Ph.D. | r. f. | |
Alexander Stakheev, Ph.D. | r. f. | |
Arhipov I.A. | j. r. f. | |
Gabrielyan N.G. | j. r. f. | |
Larisa Samohvalova | j. r. f. | |
Kornilova E.E. | t. q. - lab. as. | |
Poluboyarinova A.V. | t. q. - lab. as. | |
Ruslan Kutukov | eng. | |
Previously worked here | ||
Chernichko T.E. | ||
Valjakina T.I., Ph.D. | ||
Chigareva M.S. | ||
Marina Goryunova | ||
Smeshnova D.S. | ||
Kovalec P.V. | ||
Merkulova M.P. | ||
Zvezdina Y.K. | ||
Budkovskaja V.N., Ph.D. | ||
Drobyazina P.E. |

Scientific projects