Protein Expr Purif, 2003, 27(1):55-62

EGFP as a fusion partner for the expression and organic extraction of small polypeptides

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as an excellent reporter module of the fusion proteins. The unique structure of GFP allows isolation of the active fluorescent protein directly from the crude cellular sources by extraction with organic solvents. We demonstrated the stable expression of four short polypeptides fused to GFP in Escherichia coli cells, including antimicrobial cationic peptides, which normally kill bacteria. EGFP module protected fusion partners from the intracellular degradation and allowed the purification of the chimerical proteins by organic extraction. The nature of the polypeptide fused to GFP, as opposed to the order of GFP and the polypeptide modules in the fusion protein, influenced the efficiency of the described purification technique. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Skosyrev VS, Rudenko NV, Yakhnin AV, Zagranichny VE, Popova LI, Zakharov MV, Gorokhovatsky AY, Vinokurov LM

IBCH: 1325
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