Biochemistry, 1992, 31(35):8239-8244

Investigation of Ligand-Binding Sites of the Acetylcholine Receptor Using Photoactivatable Derivatives of Neurotoxin II from Naja naja oxiana

Several photoaffinity derivatives of neurotoxin II from the venom of the central Asian cobra Naja naja oxiana have been prepared. After reaction of the 125I-labeled derivatives with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from electric organ, the a-subunit of the nAChR is almost exclusively labeled by the derivative carrying the photoactivatable group in position Lys46. In contrast to this, a reactive group at Lys26 predominantly labels the γ- and δ-subunits, while the α- and β-subunits incorporate much less radioactivity. Competition experiments with D-tubocurarine show that the γ-subunit is labeled when this derivative occupies the high affinity d-tubocurarine-binding site, while the δ-subunit is labeled by the toxin bound at the low-affinity d-tubocurarine site. A model is discussed for the orientation of different loops of the toxin molecules in the binding site for agonists and competitive antagonists. © 1992, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.

Kreienkamp HJ, Weise C, Hucho F, Utkin YN, Machold J, Tsetlin VI

IBCH: 2570
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