Mitochondrial DNA, 1995, 6(1):13-26

Mapping of transcribed sequences on human chromosome 19

30 EST/STS have been mapped on human chromosome 19 using a highly specific hncDNA library as a source of transcribed sequences. In addition more than 50 sites constituting 19 families of closely related sequences containing at least one transcribed member each were mapped across the chromosome. Chromosome-19 specific hncDNA clones were hybridized to chromosome 19 cosmids that were previously assembled into contigs covering about 80% of Chr19. The hybridization results were verified by PCR. Such an approach to EST mapping provides information on possible locations of genes as transcribed units of genome and on location of repeated elements used for the priming the hncDNA synthesis. Mapped hncDNA sequences may serve as good starting points for the systematic sequencing of transcribed genomic regions. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.

Volik S, Lebedev Y, Nikolaev L, Shevchenko Y, Vinogradova T, Kopantzev E, Kolesnik T, Monastyrskaya G, Kunz U, Grzeschik KH, Ashworth LK, Lennon G, Sverdlov E

IBCH: 2792
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