Chem Commun (Camb), 2017, 53(5):949-951

Intrinsic blinking of red fluorescent proteins for super-resolution microscopy

Single-molecule localization microscopy relies on either controllable photoswitching of fluorescent probes or their robust blinking. We have found that blinking of monomeric red fluorescent proteins TagRFP, TagRFP-T, and FusionRed occurs at moderate illumination power and matches well with camera acquisition speed. It allows for super-resolution image reconstruction of densely labelled structures in live cells using various algorithms.

Klementieva NV, Pavlikov AI, Moiseev AA, Bozhanova NG, Mishina NM, Lukyanov SA, Zagaynova EV, Lukyanov KA, Mishin AS

IBCH: 3459
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  1. -Флуоресцентные метки для сверхразрешающей микроскопии (January 6, 2016 — December 31, 2020). Mishin A.S.. Grant, RSF.