Russ J Plant Physiol, 2013, 60(3):411-419

Physiological features of rapeseed plants expressing the gene for an antimicrobial peptide cecropin P1

Transgenic rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) plants carrying an artificial gene for the antimicrobial peptide cecropin P1 (cecP1) were obtained and characterized. The agrobacterial transformation was done by vacuum infiltration of seeds with agrobacterium GV3101(pMP90RK) containing a binary vector pGA482::cecP1. The cec1 gene expression was analyzed by Western blotting and confirmed by antimicrobial activity measurements of plant extracts. The obtained plants showed the resistance to the bacterial and fungal pathogens Erwinia carotovora and Fusarium sporotrichioides. The photosynthetic activities of control and transgenic plants under biotic stress conditions of E. carotovora infection were comparatively studied. The higher tolerance of the cecP1 plants to the oxidative stress caused by paraquat was shown. The results obtained point to the possibility of incorporation of the cecropin P1 gene into the integral stress protection system of plants. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

Zakharchenko NS, Buryanov YI, Lebedeva AA, Pigoleva SV, Vetoshkina DV, Loktyushov EV, Chepurnova MA, Kreslavski VD, Kosobryukhov AA

IBCH: 4563
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