Gene, 1997, 199(12):255-264

Positioning of 72 potentially full size LTRs of human endogenous retroviruses HERV-K on the human chromosome 19 map. Occurrences of the LTRs in human gene sites

Seventy-two near full size long terminal repeats (LTRs) of human endogenous retrovirus of K-family (HERV-K) have been precisely located on the metric map of human chromosome 19. The LTR-related sequences were identified and assigned to cosmids by hybridization with two independent chromosome 19 specific cDNA clones corresponding to different parts of U3 region of LTR of HERV-K. The presence of full-size LTR sequences in a cosmid was further verified by PCR assay with a pair of primers complementary to the termini of the LTR. Coincidences of the LTR and the known genes positions are discussed.

Vinogradova T, Volik S, Lebedev Y, Shevchenko Y, Lavrentyeva I, Khil P, Grzeschik KH, Ashworth LK, Sverdlov E

IBCH: 5750
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