Bioorg Khim, 2012, 38(6):683-690

[Amyloid-like fibrils forming and fibroblasts destruction in Tenon's capsule in progressive myopia as a result of pigment epithelium derived factor resistance to restricted proteolysis].

We have shown previously the presence of full length (50 kD) and truncated proteolytic form (45 kD) of pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) in the eye Tenon's capsule in progressive myopia. The full length PEDF is prevalent in myopia that correlates with breach in collagen fibrils forming. Immunohistochemical analysis of Tenon's capsule with polyclonal antibodies to PEDF revealed PEDF in control group being exclusively inside fibroblasts, whereas in myopia, PEDF was distributed extracellularly as halo around blasted fibroblasts. By means of atomic force microscopy and immunodot analysis with anti amyloid fibrils antibodies the ability was studied of recombinant PEDF fragments to form fibrils. Only full length PEDF was shown to form amyloid like fibril structures, but not the truncated form. Accumulation offibrils results in fibroblasts destruction and might be the cause of changes in biochemical and morphological structure of Tenon's capsule observed in myopia.

Minkevich NI, Rakitina TV, Bogachuk AP, Radchenko VV, Surina EA, Morozova-Roche LA, Yanamandra K, Iomdina EN, Babichenko II, Kostanian IA, Lipkin VM

IBCH: 6854
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