J Control Release, 2020, 326:181-191

Fast processes of nanoparticle blood clearance: Comprehensive study.

Blood circulation is the key parameter that determines the in vivo efficiency of nanoagents. Despite clinical success of the stealth liposomal agents with their inert and shielded surfaces, a great number of non-stealth nanomaterials is being developed due to their potential of enhanced functionality. By harnessing surface phenomena, such agents can offer advanced control over drug release through intricately designed nanopores, catalysis-propelled motion, computer-like analysis of several disease markers for precise target identification, etc. However, investigation of pharmacokinetic behavior of these agents becomes a great challenge due to ultra-short circulation (usually around several minutes) and impossibility to use the invasive blood-sampling techniques. Accordingly, the data on circulation of such agents has been scarce and irregular. Here, we demonstrate high-throughput capabilities of the developed magnetic particle quantification technique for nanoparticle circulation measurements and present a comprehensive investigation of factors that affect blood circulation of the non-stealth nanoparticles. Namely, we studied the following 9 factors: particle size, zeta-potential, coating, injection dose, repetitive administration, induction of anesthesia, mice strain, absence/presence of tumors, tumor size. Our fundamental findings demonstrate potential ways to extend the half-life of the agents in blood thereby giving them a better chance of achieving their goal in the organism. The study will be valuable for design of the next generation nanomaterials with advanced biomedical functionality.

Zelepukin IV, Yaremenko AV, Yuryev MV, Mirkasymov AB, Sokolov IL, Deyev SM, Nikitin PI, Nikitin MP

IBCH: 8685
Ссылка на статью в журнале: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168365920303953
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