Org Biomol Chem, 2020, 18(31):6147-6154

Phenoxazine-based scaffold for designing G4-interacting agents.

G-quadruplexes (G4) represent one class of non-canonical secondary nucleic acid structures that are currently regarded as promising and attractive targets for anti-cancer, anti-viral and antibacterial therapy. Herein, we probe a new i-clamp-inspired phenoxazine scaffold for designing G4-stabilizing ligands. The length of the protonated aminoalkyl tethers ('arms') of the phenoxazine-based ligand was optimized in silico. Two double-armed ligands differing in the relative orientation of their arms and one single-armed ligand were synthesized. The two-armed ligands significantly enhanced the thermal stability of the G-quadruplex structures (increasing the melting temperature by up to 20 °C) and displayed G4 selectivity over duplex DNA. The ligands look promising for biological studies and the phenoxazine scaffold could be a starting point for designing new G4-interacting compounds.

Tsvetkov VB, Varizhuk AM, Lizunova SA, Nikolenko TA, Ivanov IA, Severov VV, Belyaev ES, Shitikov EA, Pozmogova GE, Aralov AV

IBCH: 8696
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