Biochemistry (Mosc), 2006, 71(5):513-519

Renaturation, activation, and practical use of recombinant duplex-specific nuclease from Kamchatka crab

We overexpressed duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) from Kamchatka crab in Escherichia coli cells and developed procedures for purification, renaturation, and activation of this protein. We demonstrated identity of the properties of the native and recombinant DSN. We also successfully applied the recombinant DSN for full-length cDNA library normalization. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.

Anisimova VE, Rebrikov DV, Zhulidov PA, Staroverov DB, Lukyanov SA, Shcheglov AS

IBCH: 914
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