Bioorg Khim, 1996, 22(1):18-19

Recombinant Protein Containing Oligomeric Sequences of Oxytocin

Expression plasmids were constructed with genes encoding the ILOX3, ILOX6, and ILOX9 recombinant proteins, which contain the C-terminal fragments of trimer, hexamer, or nonamer of oxytocinoyl-Lys. Upon expression in E. coli, all three genes yielded inclusion bodies containing protein products of similar length and heterogeneous in the C-terminal region. It is likely that in the case of the ilox3 gene, the obtained protein mixture includes the full-length product of translation with the C-terminal lysine. In the case of the ilox6 and ilox9 genes, the protein products are formed as the result of a site-specific proteolysis in the regions between the second and the fourth oxytocin units.

Gurevich AI, Kachalina TA, Kayushin AL, Korosteleva MD, Maltsev KV, Mirgorodskaya OA, Miroshnikov AI

IBCH: 2244
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