Data Brief, 2016, 7:1179-1184

Data on morphology, large-scale chromatin configuration and the occurrence of proteins and rRNA in nucleolus-like bodies of fully-grown mouse oocytes in different fixatives

Here we provide data on accessibility of nucleolus-like bodies (NLBs) of fully-grown (GV) mouse oocytes to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes and anti-nucleolar antibodies as well as on oocyte general morphology and large scale chromatin configuration, which relate to the research article "High-resolution microscopy of active ribosomal genes and key members of the rRNA processing machinery inside nucleolus-like bodies of fully-grown mouse oocytes" (Shishova et al., 2015 [1]). Experimental factors include: a cross-linking reagent formaldehyde and two denaturing fixatives, such as 70% ethanol and a mixture of absolute methanol and glacial acetic acid (3:1, v/v).

IBCH: 3899
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