Dokl Biochem Biophys, 2015, 463(1):216-219

α-conotoxins revealed different roles of nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtypes in oncogenesis of Ehrlich tumor and in the associated inflammation

Multiple injections of conotoxin MII, a blocker of alfa3-ß2 and alfa6-containing subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (n-AChRs), as well as conotoxin ArIB11L16D, a blocker of alfa7 subtype n-AChR, at a dose of 1 nmol/kg reduce both the lactate dehydrogenase level in tumor cells and the inflammatory leukocyte infiltration in tumor tissue in mice bearing Ehrlich carcinoma. The first stage of pathomorphism was detected in the tumor tissue after the treatment with the ArIB11L16D conotoxin, whereas the second stage was observed after the treatment with conotoxins RgIA and MII. Only MII injections led to a significant reduction in tumor growth. Our results show the involvement of n-AChRs in the regulation of metabolic processes and cell–cell interactions related to carcinogenesis and tumor-associated inflammation.

Terpinskaya TI, Osipov AV, Kuznetsova TE, Ryzhkovskaya EL, Ulaschik VS, Ivanov IA, Tsetlin VI, Utkin YN

IBCH: 3984
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